
Uma mulher está vestindo uma camisa floral e um colar.

LODE rebranding_

was a unisex brand and, through a long project to redefine the strategic construction of the brand platform, some very radical and, I would say almost total changes in all its construction and communication were defined. LODE brand is exclusive and all fonts were created and designed by ID_Lab. The thin and condensed font refers to the woman's femininity, who does not forget to be contemporary. The capital “L” and the other lowercase letters give us a sense of organization and beauty, outstanding characteristics of the feminine universe. Brown was chosen for the sophistication and intimacy that the color expresses. We avoided black, a very obvious color in the fashion market. This option made us open the horizon and also compare it to the color of chocolate, an important symbol of the feminine universe linked to the seduction and desire of women. We researched, among the noble metals, the one that best represented the luxury and femininity of the Lode woman. With that in mind, the “rosé gold” fits perfectly into these indications. The symbol was created to exercise and tie a unique identity to the brand. It refers to the symbol of infinity and the union of two bodies. The infinite relationship is also shown, profoundly, between the woman and her internal and external universe. It makes us visualize a jewel of bold design belonging to the universe of our persona.
• Brand investigation and diagnosis 
• Communication diagnosis 
• Brand strategy 
• Brand purpose 
• Brand positioning 
• Brand personality 
• Brand Canvas 
• Brand Persona 
• Institutional Material 
• Communication planning 
• Integrated campaign 
• Website 
• Video 
• Promotional Material 
• Social Media 
• Web Site 
• Creative Direction 
• Editorial 
• Catalog 
• Collection Development
A palavra lode está escrita em fontes diferentes em um fundo marrom.
Uma colagem de fotos de uma loja de roupas com uma placa que diz solto
Uma revista está aberta em uma página com a foto de uma mulher.
Uma mulher de vestido está ao lado de uma colagem de fotos de mulheres
Uma foto em preto e branco de uma mulher com um colar
Dois sacos de papel pardo com a palavra filão escrita neles
Duas fotos de uma etiqueta e uma caixa em um fundo rosa.
Uma mulher com longos cabelos castanhos está usando brincos de argola.
Um laptop está aberto em um site chamado luce


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